Solidity How to Read the Transaction Log

How To Declare and Trigger an Event

          emit MyEvent(block.timestamp, 'hello');        
          const EventExample = artifacts.require("EventExample");          module.exports = part (deployer) {
          let eventExample = await EventExample.deployed()        
          let tx = await eventExample.storeData(10)        

content of receipt transaction log

Transaction log

How logsBloom Helps to Efficiently Search the Blockchain

          issue DataStored(uint256 data1, uint256 indexed data2)        
          > eventExample = wait EventExample.deployed()
> tx = await eventExample.storeData(10, 15)

content of receipt transaction log

Transaction log

How To Read an Result From the Blockchain

          > npm init -y
> npm i web3 --save
> bear upon alphabetize.js
          eventExample.once("DataStored", (error, result) => {
if (!fault) console.log(event);

.DataStored({ filter: { data2: [5, nine] } })
.on("data", (event) => {
          eventExample.getPastEvents("DataStored", { fromBlock: 0 }).then((events) => console.log(events));


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